Laida Memba
Architect and researcher
With a degree in architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and a Master in Architecture from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), she researches the relationship between lived space and contemporary socio-cultural practices in the city of Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea.
She has been a lecturer at the La Salle School of Architecture of the Ramon Llull University (URL) in Barcelona, where she has carried out international cooperation projects, and a lecturer at the Elisava School of Design in Barcelona.
She has more than 15 years of experience in the development of architectural projects mainly in Catalonia and Equatorial Guinea, where she has also worked in urban planning (Riaba and Baney) and in areas related to Corporate Social Responsibility, developing heritage rehabilitation projects (Basakato School of the Sagrada Família), facilities (extension of the Batete School) and public space (Alcaide Park, Malabo). He is also a member of the GAMUC research group, which focuses on the architecture and urban planning of the former Spanish colonies in Africa.
Since 2010 she co-directs the project Patrimonio Guinea 2020, recently recognised with the AADIPA European Heritage Intervention Award for the good application of theoretical concepts and the positive impact on civil society.